[[stock_photo]]: Amer · pilule · médecine · mot · ordonnance · comprimé
[[stock_photo]]: Amer · pilule · médecine · mot · ordonnance · comprimé / Bitter Pill words on a white tablet to illustrate medicine that is difficult to swallow or an idea that is tough to take

#4373754 Bitter Pill Hard Medicine to Swallow Word Prescription Tablet [[by_user]] iqoncept [[stock_photo]] iqoncept

[[sstk_dl_banner_1]] [[sstk_dl_banner_2]]
XL JPG 4444 x 4325 [[pixels_count]]
14.8" x 14.4" | 37.6 cm x 36.6 cm @ 300dpi JPG
Stockfresh.com | [[royalty_free_title]]



